We all continue to endure the political ads, blustering rhetoric, misinformation, and incivility of another election. Most of us, I think, will be relieved when the election is over. I’m not sure that candidates understand that demoralizing the electorate is not a good long-term strategy. Demoralized or not, however, as Christians, we have a responsibility to participate in elections and cast our votes. We have a responsibility to lift-up our leaders in prayer and work to make the world a better place through our political decisions. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 instructs: “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”
Lots of the attention to learning and growth in the church is centered on children and youth. Flowing from the promises parents make in baptism, the church helps with the shaping of young people as disciples. This is good and necessary. Yet, in our culture, we also think that once we “graduate” from school, finish the educational process in our youth, we are done, finished products with nothing left to learn. Read more at Grace Notes: https://bit.ly/htlc-gracenotes In a perfect garden, created by God for the sake of humanity, evil entered in the form of deception and lies. Christians refer to this story, found in the biblical book of Genesis, as the fall of humanity. This foray into human sin began when Adam and Eve, the first humans created in the image of God, were deceived. Jacob Astley found himself entangled in the turmoil of the English Civil Wars (1642-51). A Royalist, he served as the King’s Major-General of Infantry and, just before the Battle of Edgehill on October 23, 1642, he offered a heartfelt prayer in the presence of his troops. O Lord! thou knowest how busy I must be this day: if I forget thee, do not thou forget me. ~Amen In my mid 30’s as I started to engage more with my faith and God, I was encouraged to have a “daily quiet time” with Jesus. This usually meant five minutes of Bible reading and five minutes of prayer—a quick and efficient routine. It wasn’t uncommon for someone at men’s bible study to ask how your “daily quiet time” was going, and for many, it was just another task to check off.
On Sunday, August 25, the high school youth and adults who attended the ELCA Youth Gathering this summer hosted a “Taste of New Orleans” brunch for the congregation to share stories and say thank you for all the prayers and support they received. There were various types of delicious New Orleans cuisine served that the group enjoyed during our time there, including jambalaya, bread pudding and beignets to name a few. The kids who could, some of our group had show choir rehearsals, shared their pictures, stories and takeaways from the experience. After more than a few conversations with folks this past week, it has become increasingly evident to me that many of us hate turning on the news. When I have asked the question, “How are things with you?” the answer has increasingly become, “I am good if I can ignore the news.” People are tired of the onslaught of bad news. |
January 2025