Holy Trinity Council
Council Meetings
Holy Trinity's Council is made up of the Executive Committee and At-Large Members. The meet on the third Thursday of each month. You can read the minutes from Council meetings on Realm. Log in. Look under the group, "Holy Trinity Lutheran Church." In the blue bar along the top, there is a tab for "Files." You'll see the minutes there. When you click on the document, it will download to your computer.
Holy Trinity's Council is made up of the Executive Committee and At-Large Members. The meet on the third Thursday of each month. You can read the minutes from Council meetings on Realm. Log in. Look under the group, "Holy Trinity Lutheran Church." In the blue bar along the top, there is a tab for "Files." You'll see the minutes there. When you click on the document, it will download to your computer.
President: Kelly Beeck
Vice President: Kristen Gray
Treasurer: Brad Doig
Recording Secretary: Michelle Haupt
Co-Financial Secretary: Marty Rathje
Co-Financial Secretary: Rich Soukup
At-Large Member: Laine Dvorak
At-Large Member: Byron Smith
At-Large Member: Lisa Cole
At-Large Member: Preston Poots-Jacobsen
At-Large Member: Doug Beech