what to expect
Below you'll find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about Holy Trinity. Click a category heading and you'll move straight to that section.
Tell me about worship at Holy Trinity:
Is worship online? How can I worship if I’m not able to physically attend?
Yes. Holy Trinity offers weekly worship online which can be found on our website and YouTube.
What should I expect when I first arrive in the building of Holy Trinity?
As you enter the building before worship, you will be greeted by friendly faces who will direct you inside. You can walk straight ahead to what we call the “Narthex.” In this area you will see people greeting each other and entering the sanctuary for worship.
You will see places to hang your coats near the entrances. The women’s and gender-neutral restrooms are located near the north side of the Narthex. The men’s restroom is located next to the south entry doors.
What do children do during worship?
Children are welcome and encouraged to worship with you. Children are different in their activity levels. You can pick up "busy bags" for children to play with during worship and then return to the basket after worship.
Church School is open to children who are three years old (and potty-trained) up to children who are in 5th grade. Click here to learn more about how to sign up your children for church school.
What is the music like?
Music is a key component of the worship experience at Holy Trinity. The music reflects the wide diversity of sacred music across time (from ancient to contemporary) and space (from all corners of the world). Choral music and instrumental ensembles are featured with musicians of all ages drawn from the congregation. You will experience music that is familiar and learn new songs that praise our God revealed in Christ
What happens after worship?
On a typical Sunday morning, worshippers gather in Café Koinonia (coffee area) to visit and enjoy coffee and doughnuts between worship services.
What should I wear to church?
We don’t have a dress code at Holy Trinity. Whether you’re wearing jeans or your Sunday best, you’ll fit right in!
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Is worship online? How can I worship if I’m not able to physically attend?
Yes. Holy Trinity offers weekly worship online which can be found on our website and YouTube.
What should I expect when I first arrive in the building of Holy Trinity?
As you enter the building before worship, you will be greeted by friendly faces who will direct you inside. You can walk straight ahead to what we call the “Narthex.” In this area you will see people greeting each other and entering the sanctuary for worship.
You will see places to hang your coats near the entrances. The women’s and gender-neutral restrooms are located near the north side of the Narthex. The men’s restroom is located next to the south entry doors.
What do children do during worship?
Children are welcome and encouraged to worship with you. Children are different in their activity levels. You can pick up "busy bags" for children to play with during worship and then return to the basket after worship.
Church School is open to children who are three years old (and potty-trained) up to children who are in 5th grade. Click here to learn more about how to sign up your children for church school.
What is the music like?
Music is a key component of the worship experience at Holy Trinity. The music reflects the wide diversity of sacred music across time (from ancient to contemporary) and space (from all corners of the world). Choral music and instrumental ensembles are featured with musicians of all ages drawn from the congregation. You will experience music that is familiar and learn new songs that praise our God revealed in Christ
What happens after worship?
On a typical Sunday morning, worshippers gather in Café Koinonia (coffee area) to visit and enjoy coffee and doughnuts between worship services.
What should I wear to church?
We don’t have a dress code at Holy Trinity. Whether you’re wearing jeans or your Sunday best, you’ll fit right in!
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What does Holy Trinity believe?
What kind of church is Holy Trinity?
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the largest Lutheran denomination in the United States and a member of the Lutheran World Federation.
“Lutherans” are part of a confessional movement within the “one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church” that was born in the Reformation of the 16th century. We seek fellowship and unity with all Christians and emphasize the grace of God as the action that establishes our relationship with God in Christ.
We enjoy full communion with the Episcopal Church USA, the Moravian Church, the Presbyterian Church USA, the Reformed Church in America, the United Church of Christ, and the United Methodist Church.
We are in active dialogue with the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, African Methodist-Episcopal, African Methodist Episcopal Zion, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and Mennonite Churches.
What do you believe?
While the scriptures, creeds and confessions of the Church across time and space profess the faith we hold, the essence of our congregation’s beliefs are summed up in God’s love.
Do I belong at Holy Trinity?
Yes, the mission of Holy Trinity is to Share God’s Love. We share that love with those who struggle to find a place to belong in this world, those who long for something to believe that gives life meaning and purpose, and those who desire to become what God created them to be. We would like to share God's love with you!
Will I feel welcome at Holy Trinity? Are you an inclusive church?
Yes, and yes. The following is our Statement of Inclusion and Welcome:
We are people simultaneously faithful and afraid; broken and redeemed; joyful and struggling to keep it together. Together, we strive to share God’s love by loving our neighbors and loving creation. Even though we don’t know you yet, we already love you.
You are loved. We believe you are a beloved child of God created in God’s image.
You are loved. We believe Jesus loves you and taught us, “Love one another as I have loved you.”
You are loved. Your race, gender identity, mental or physical ability, sexual orientation, marital status, financial situation, social standing, education, cultural background, immigration status, or any other category or label cannot separate you from the love of God, nor keep you from being what God called you to be.
You are loved. No matter where you are on your faith journey, no matter the questions you bring, no matter the doubts or struggles you bear, there is a place for you here to ask, seek, and share.
You are invited. We strive to create a safe, inclusive, and affirming environment where all are invited, and each is accepted and embraced. We invite you to receive and share God’s love as you are, for who you are.
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What kind of church is Holy Trinity?
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the largest Lutheran denomination in the United States and a member of the Lutheran World Federation.
“Lutherans” are part of a confessional movement within the “one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church” that was born in the Reformation of the 16th century. We seek fellowship and unity with all Christians and emphasize the grace of God as the action that establishes our relationship with God in Christ.
We enjoy full communion with the Episcopal Church USA, the Moravian Church, the Presbyterian Church USA, the Reformed Church in America, the United Church of Christ, and the United Methodist Church.
We are in active dialogue with the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, African Methodist-Episcopal, African Methodist Episcopal Zion, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and Mennonite Churches.
What do you believe?
While the scriptures, creeds and confessions of the Church across time and space profess the faith we hold, the essence of our congregation’s beliefs are summed up in God’s love.
- God is love that binds together everyone and everything.
- God's love is guaranteed for all through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- God's love is not earned, but is a free gift to broken people.
- God's love is poured out when God's people gather around Word, water, wine and bread.
- God's love is shared abundantly when God's people are the hands, feet and open arms of Jesus.
- God's love transforms us to be the people God created us to be.
Do I belong at Holy Trinity?
Yes, the mission of Holy Trinity is to Share God’s Love. We share that love with those who struggle to find a place to belong in this world, those who long for something to believe that gives life meaning and purpose, and those who desire to become what God created them to be. We would like to share God's love with you!
Will I feel welcome at Holy Trinity? Are you an inclusive church?
Yes, and yes. The following is our Statement of Inclusion and Welcome:
We are people simultaneously faithful and afraid; broken and redeemed; joyful and struggling to keep it together. Together, we strive to share God’s love by loving our neighbors and loving creation. Even though we don’t know you yet, we already love you.
You are loved. We believe you are a beloved child of God created in God’s image.
You are loved. We believe Jesus loves you and taught us, “Love one another as I have loved you.”
You are loved. Your race, gender identity, mental or physical ability, sexual orientation, marital status, financial situation, social standing, education, cultural background, immigration status, or any other category or label cannot separate you from the love of God, nor keep you from being what God called you to be.
You are loved. No matter where you are on your faith journey, no matter the questions you bring, no matter the doubts or struggles you bear, there is a place for you here to ask, seek, and share.
You are invited. We strive to create a safe, inclusive, and affirming environment where all are invited, and each is accepted and embraced. We invite you to receive and share God’s love as you are, for who you are.
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Talk about the sacraments:
Can anyone take part in communion?
Holy Trinity practices eucharistic hospitality, or what is also known as “open Communion.” All baptized persons are welcome to communion. Anyone not baptized or uncertain about communion may come forward for a blessing.
How are baptisms handled?
Baptism is a gift of grace, an indelible and irrevocable gift given once and for all time. As a gift of pure grace, baptism is for children and adults alike. Through baptism, people become members of the whole Church and of this congregation. As such, baptism is the beginning of active involvement in the life of God's people. Click here to learn more.
What about weddings?
You can learn more about weddings on our website.
What about funerals?
Holy Trinity attends to the spiritual needs of members and their loved ones from birth, throughout life’s journey, and in death. One of our pastors will work with the family of the deceased to celebrate the grace of God’s eternal love in a Service of the Resurrection, imparting the hope of new life and the comfort of grace for the deceased and the grieving.
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Can anyone take part in communion?
Holy Trinity practices eucharistic hospitality, or what is also known as “open Communion.” All baptized persons are welcome to communion. Anyone not baptized or uncertain about communion may come forward for a blessing.
How are baptisms handled?
Baptism is a gift of grace, an indelible and irrevocable gift given once and for all time. As a gift of pure grace, baptism is for children and adults alike. Through baptism, people become members of the whole Church and of this congregation. As such, baptism is the beginning of active involvement in the life of God's people. Click here to learn more.
What about weddings?
You can learn more about weddings on our website.
What about funerals?
Holy Trinity attends to the spiritual needs of members and their loved ones from birth, throughout life’s journey, and in death. One of our pastors will work with the family of the deceased to celebrate the grace of God’s eternal love in a Service of the Resurrection, imparting the hope of new life and the comfort of grace for the deceased and the grieving.
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How does giving work?
How can I give to Holy Trinity?
You can give to Holy Trinity online, cash/check and debit/credit card. Click here to learn more about giving.
Giving is a spiritual discipline at the heart of the Christian faith. When you give to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, you give not to an agency or non-profit effort. You give to the very community that you have been made part of in baptism. When you give to Holy Trinity, you can share in our work in a number of ways.
How are offerings spent?
Offerings are dedicated to both the General Fund and to missions and ministries that we support.
The General Fund provides most of the funding for what we do. From worship to learning, building expenses to human resources, postage to copy machines and computers, this fund allows us to be a congregation.
Additional funds include giving to the Holy Trinity Food Pantry, Thrive Assistance, World Hunger, Disaster Relief, DMARC, debt reduction and Mission Trust Fund.
Click here to learn more.
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How can I give to Holy Trinity?
You can give to Holy Trinity online, cash/check and debit/credit card. Click here to learn more about giving.
Giving is a spiritual discipline at the heart of the Christian faith. When you give to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, you give not to an agency or non-profit effort. You give to the very community that you have been made part of in baptism. When you give to Holy Trinity, you can share in our work in a number of ways.
How are offerings spent?
Offerings are dedicated to both the General Fund and to missions and ministries that we support.
The General Fund provides most of the funding for what we do. From worship to learning, building expenses to human resources, postage to copy machines and computers, this fund allows us to be a congregation.
Additional funds include giving to the Holy Trinity Food Pantry, Thrive Assistance, World Hunger, Disaster Relief, DMARC, debt reduction and Mission Trust Fund.
Click here to learn more.
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How will I connect with others at Holy Trinity?
How will I meet people?
We were created to be in relationship with others. At Holy Trinity we offer life groups to help connect members with each other. These small groups encompass aspects of support, study, social and serving that allow us to connect with God and with one another. We invite you to make a connection with one of these ministries so that your connection with God may grow. Click here to learn more.
How can I serve at Holy Trinity?
Living our faith as “God’s hands and feet” is one of the core beliefs of Holy Trinity. Serving others is one way we share God’s love. We have a long list of ministry partners, and every month there are new ways to serve within the congregation, in the community or across the globe.
Holy Trinity has a food pantry that is open every Tuesday afternoon. Volunteers can help work a shift or contribute food to the pantry.
How can I learn more about the Bible and what I believe?
We never "graduate" from learning about or exploring our relationship with God. Engaging the Bible, learning the teachings of the Church, delving deeper into our spiritual practices and learning how to meet the challenges of life through faith are constant needs. We offer a variety of opportunities to learn and grow in faith for adults. We offer adult learning classes on Wednesday evenings to learn more about God and faith in our everyday life. There are men’s Bible studies, women’s study groups and other book studies to grow in faith.
What if I’m going through a hard time?
At Holy Trinity, it’s important that we support one another through life’s journey. We have groups for those experiencing grief after the death of a loved one, and those who are dealing with divorce. We have a Prayer Chain group that offers prayers for those who need support. Stephen Ministers are trained volunteers who provide confidential ministry to another person who is going through a difficult time.
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How will I meet people?
We were created to be in relationship with others. At Holy Trinity we offer life groups to help connect members with each other. These small groups encompass aspects of support, study, social and serving that allow us to connect with God and with one another. We invite you to make a connection with one of these ministries so that your connection with God may grow. Click here to learn more.
How can I serve at Holy Trinity?
Living our faith as “God’s hands and feet” is one of the core beliefs of Holy Trinity. Serving others is one way we share God’s love. We have a long list of ministry partners, and every month there are new ways to serve within the congregation, in the community or across the globe.
Holy Trinity has a food pantry that is open every Tuesday afternoon. Volunteers can help work a shift or contribute food to the pantry.
How can I learn more about the Bible and what I believe?
We never "graduate" from learning about or exploring our relationship with God. Engaging the Bible, learning the teachings of the Church, delving deeper into our spiritual practices and learning how to meet the challenges of life through faith are constant needs. We offer a variety of opportunities to learn and grow in faith for adults. We offer adult learning classes on Wednesday evenings to learn more about God and faith in our everyday life. There are men’s Bible studies, women’s study groups and other book studies to grow in faith.
What if I’m going through a hard time?
At Holy Trinity, it’s important that we support one another through life’s journey. We have groups for those experiencing grief after the death of a loved one, and those who are dealing with divorce. We have a Prayer Chain group that offers prayers for those who need support. Stephen Ministers are trained volunteers who provide confidential ministry to another person who is going through a difficult time.
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Talk about programs for children and youth:
Do you offer children’s church school and other activities?
Children’s church school meets on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Holy Trinity provides children with their first Bibles and guides them as they partake in first communion. A highlight of summer is our annual Vacation Bible School which is a time of fun with friends and learning about God.
How does confirmation work?
Confirmation begins in 6th grade and is a three-year program. Youth learn about the Old and New Testament of the Bible and learn how to apply their learning to life. Small groups of youth gather weekly so they can build trust and relationships. Time is set aside for fun and service projects.
Do you offer activities for high schoolers?
Click here to learn about high school ministry Relationships among youth are key to this program. Youth determine ways they can serve the community and have fun along the way.
Can youth go on mission trips?
Yes, Holy Trinity organizes mission trips for both middle schoolers and high schoolers. We’ve traveled to Wisconsin, Tennessee, and other places in the past. The youth look forward to these mission trips!
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Do you offer children’s church school and other activities?
Children’s church school meets on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Holy Trinity provides children with their first Bibles and guides them as they partake in first communion. A highlight of summer is our annual Vacation Bible School which is a time of fun with friends and learning about God.
How does confirmation work?
Confirmation begins in 6th grade and is a three-year program. Youth learn about the Old and New Testament of the Bible and learn how to apply their learning to life. Small groups of youth gather weekly so they can build trust and relationships. Time is set aside for fun and service projects.
Do you offer activities for high schoolers?
Click here to learn about high school ministry Relationships among youth are key to this program. Youth determine ways they can serve the community and have fun along the way.
Can youth go on mission trips?
Yes, Holy Trinity organizes mission trips for both middle schoolers and high schoolers. We’ve traveled to Wisconsin, Tennessee, and other places in the past. The youth look forward to these mission trips!
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How do I stay in touch with Holy Trinity?
How do I keep in touch and know what's happening at Holy Trinity?
Holy Trinity shares updates in our weekly bulletin at worship. You can also sign up to receive our weekly newsletter called the Epistle. It’s an online newsletter emailed to your inbox each Thursday morning. You can also sign up for various other emails to receive General News, Adult Choir, Children’s Ministries, Love Notes Daily Video Devotions, Sermon Replay, and more. Click here to sign up.
Is Holy Trinity on Social Media?
Yes, Facebook and Instagram our primary methods of sharing updates on social media. We use YouTube for online worship and other videos.
How do I contact a pastor?
You can contact the pastor via email or call directly:
Pastor Tim Olson at [email protected] and 515-964-4348 ext. 206
Pastor Travis Segar at [email protected] and 515-964-4348
How do I become a member?
We would be delighted to welcome you into the community of faith at Holy Trinity. Click here to learn more about Holy Trinity and the simple process for joining the church.
Membership in a congregation is unlike membership in a club. In a club, membership has privileges. In a church to be a "member" means, as St. Paul taught, to be a "member of the body of Christ." That is, we follow our Lord and serve him. Belonging to a congregation gives us a place to meet Christ regularly in Word and sacrament; it gives us a place to grow and deepen our faith. Becoming a member of the body of Christ at Holy Trinity can follow several paths:
Can you pray for me or a loved one?
Yes, Holy Trinity honors prayer requests and speaks aloud the names of all who need prayers. There is a public list that is shared with the congregation in our weekly bulletin. There is also a private prayer list that is only shared with pastors and staff. Holy Trinity’s Prayer Chain is for one-time prayer requests. You can request prayers by clicking here.
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How do I keep in touch and know what's happening at Holy Trinity?
Holy Trinity shares updates in our weekly bulletin at worship. You can also sign up to receive our weekly newsletter called the Epistle. It’s an online newsletter emailed to your inbox each Thursday morning. You can also sign up for various other emails to receive General News, Adult Choir, Children’s Ministries, Love Notes Daily Video Devotions, Sermon Replay, and more. Click here to sign up.
Is Holy Trinity on Social Media?
Yes, Facebook and Instagram our primary methods of sharing updates on social media. We use YouTube for online worship and other videos.
How do I contact a pastor?
You can contact the pastor via email or call directly:
Pastor Tim Olson at [email protected] and 515-964-4348 ext. 206
Pastor Travis Segar at [email protected] and 515-964-4348
How do I become a member?
We would be delighted to welcome you into the community of faith at Holy Trinity. Click here to learn more about Holy Trinity and the simple process for joining the church.
Membership in a congregation is unlike membership in a club. In a club, membership has privileges. In a church to be a "member" means, as St. Paul taught, to be a "member of the body of Christ." That is, we follow our Lord and serve him. Belonging to a congregation gives us a place to meet Christ regularly in Word and sacrament; it gives us a place to grow and deepen our faith. Becoming a member of the body of Christ at Holy Trinity can follow several paths:
- Baptism - Children and adults who have never been baptized will receive membership to Holy Trinity though the sacrament of baptism. Baptism classes for parents wishing to baptize infant/young children are asked to participate in a special class. Adults and older children can meet privately with a pastor to prepare for baptism. Learn more about baptism here.
- New Member Gatherings are held three times each year for those who would like to join the church. Dates/times are published in the church bulletin. Call the church office at 515-964-4348 or email the office for information.
- Transferring your Membership - If you are a member of another congregation and would like to join Holy Trinity, please call the church office at 515-964-4348 or email us to let us know the name of the church from which you wish to transfer and we will be happy to make the request for you.
Can you pray for me or a loved one?
Yes, Holy Trinity honors prayer requests and speaks aloud the names of all who need prayers. There is a public list that is shared with the congregation in our weekly bulletin. There is also a private prayer list that is only shared with pastors and staff. Holy Trinity’s Prayer Chain is for one-time prayer requests. You can request prayers by clicking here.
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