Perhaps you are keenly aware of the public discussions of something called “Christian Nationalism.” On the other hand, you may be relatively unfamiliar with this movement. It would take a lengthy reflection with lots of words to define, dissect, and dialogue with this growing phenomenon. You don’t have time to read it. I don’t have time to write it (at least today). Yet, it does seem important to shed a little light on the matter.
"When God began to create the heavens and the earth, the earth was complete chaos.” (Genesis 1:1-2 NRSVue) The creating God brings order out of chaos, life out of death, and light from darkness. Sometimes the way God works to order the chaos is spectacular, nearly miraculous. Look at the way cells in a body can coalesce into a living being, so complex and full of vitality. Look at the night sky and see the way that stars and galaxies move in a cosmic dance. Witness the way God can knit together people in a community that expresses love and grace to one another. “I just can’t watch or listen to the news anymore, Pastor. It is too much.” I nodded my head and said I knew exactly what he meant. I hear this from many of you, and feel it in my own heart, on a regular basis. The suffering and pain of this world is enormous. It is overwhelming. It has so many dimensions that one can’t figure out where to start. |
January 2025