legacy gifts
Leaving a legacy gift to support the work of the congregation is a way to honor those who have lived a generous life and even in death. Even more, a legacy gift is a way of honoring our Lord, Jesus Christ, who by the power of the resurrection has made all the faithful part of the communion of saints eternally.
Making a legacy gift to the congregation as part of our estate planning is an act of faithful stewardship. Gifts made become the foundation upon which future giving and receiving are possible. Giving through Life Insurance, Charitable Trusts, and Estate Planning should be discussed with a qualified financial advisor.
Gifts received through regular offering and legacy giving are all administered and used according to the core values, core beliefs, and mission of the congregation. The congregation also wants to honor the values and passions of those who offer or are remembered with a legacy gift. Gifts offered with conditions, restrictions, or limitations cannot be accepted. The congregation does not memorialize legacy gifts with naming or plaques. All the gifts received are to the glory of God and in the name of Jesus Christ.
Giving a legacy gift to the congregation is done with at least two desires in mind. First, we desire to make a gift that provides a tangible contribution to the congregation’s mission. We hope to be able to point to something and see the gift. Second, we desire to give a gift that has a lasting impact on the mission – that leaves a legacy. Holy Trinity has funds in place to help donors give with both desires in mind.
This fund is a perpetual fund, meaning that the gifts held in the trust produce income that provides grants and scholarships as long as the fund exists. The fund cannot be used for general expenses and gifts are pooled so that all the gifts accumulate to provide more impact as time passes. Each year, the Mission Trust Memorial Committee sets a disbursement rate guided by investment performance. That percentage of the principal is then given as follows:
- 10% of the total amount distributed will be given as additional mission support to the Southeastern Iowa Synod.
- A portion can be given to establish and support programs beyond the congregation’s ministries that advance the mission of the congregation in the community and the world.
- A portion can be given to further partnerships in mission through the Synodical, Regional, and Churchwide expressions of the ELCA.
- A portion can be given to provide scholarships.
The Mission Trust Memorial Committee makes recommendations for the annual disbursements. All disbursements are approved by the Congregation Council. All undesignated gifts are placed in this fund automatically. The congregation strongly encourages the use of this fund for all legacy giving.
The advantage of giving to this fund is that it is a gift that does not give out or break. It truly leaves a legacy that will continue to honor Christ and give glory to God long after other things have been replaced or worn out. Even if the congregation one day closes, provisions are in place for the fund to be managed and continue to have an impact. The tangible effects of the gifts are seen in the lives touched and the love that is shared in the community and around the world.
Those who wish to make a legacy gift that emphasizes a tangible use may designate one or more facets of the congregation’s mission where the gift will be directed. Donors may designate gifts for:
- The Worship Memorial Fund
- The Outreach Memorial Fund
- The Care & Community Memorial Fund
- The Learning Memorial Fund
- The Building/Stewardship Memorial Fund
Recommendations for the disbursement of these funds come from ministry teams and staff members in each area and are approved by the Congregation Council. The use of the funds augments general fund giving to advance each area of our mission. Funds designated for worship might be used to purchase musical instruments, paraments, or perhaps equipment to enhance worship. Funds designated for building/stewardship might be used to upgrade the building and grounds or purchase necessary furnishings or equipment.
Legacy gifts to a memorial fund may accumulate with other gifts to work toward a project that is larger than a single gift.