Holy Trinity Food Pantry
Holy Trinity Food Pantry is open Tuesdays, 12:00-6:00 pm, offering food to those in need.
Our Food Pantry is a ministry to address hunger in our neighborhoods. Pamm Cox is the coordinator.
If you would like to donate to the food pantry, place items in the grocery cart at the north entrance. You may also stock the Helping Hands boxes located in the south parking lot.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Our Food Pantry is a ministry to address hunger in our neighborhoods. Pamm Cox is the coordinator.
If you would like to donate to the food pantry, place items in the grocery cart at the north entrance. You may also stock the Helping Hands boxes located in the south parking lot.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
The Food Pantry is in need of the following items:
If you have perishable foods to donate, please contact Lisa in the church office to find out if we have the capacity to store these items before bringing them to the pantry. Due to space constraints, our food pantry does not accept clothing or other household items.
If you or an organization you belong to would like to donate to the Holy Trinity Food Pantry, please click the button for the list of needed food and supplies. We are thankful for your donations!
If you or an organization you belong to would like to donate to the Holy Trinity Food Pantry, please click the button for the list of needed food and supplies. We are thankful for your donations!
how can you help?Would you like to donate food to the pantry?
We need to stock the pantry with nonperishable foods to feed the hungry. Place your donations in the shopping carts located at the north and south entrances. Monetary donations are also accepted in the office, online, or the offering plate. Monetary donations will continue to be given to DMARC when this is identified on your check. Would you like to pick up donated food from Costco on Sundays or help sort that food?
Through our partnership with the Food Bank of Iowa, we receive up to 500 lbs. of food from Costco in Ankeny weekly. The food must be picked up between 10:00 & 11:30 am on Sundays and brought to the church where it can be unloaded in the food pantry. Then we need folks to help sort and shelve the food so it is ready to distribute on Tuesdays. Would you like to tend to the Holy Trinity Gardens?
Holy Trinity has several garden beds on the church property that are tended and cared for by the Garden Team. Contact Pastor Travis if you'd like to help with the gardens. |
Would you like to help during food pantry hours on Tuesdays?
- We need a consistent group of volunteers to help during Tuesday operating hours. Volunteers are needed for two-hour shifts from 12:00 to 6:00 pm. We need volunteers with a passion for serving others, caring for the poor, and showing generous hospitality to others. Please complete the "Volunteer to Help" form if you would like to volunteer at the Food Pantry.
- Volunteers working with Holy Trinity Food Pantry guests must be 18 years old or older and members of the congregation. Younger individuals can volunteer with their families for sorting cans and stocking shelves. Arrangements need to be made through the Food Pantry coordinators.