Men's ministries
Please sign up and we'll connect you with a men's group! |

Tuesday Afternoon Group at 1:00 pm
We are casual group of men using a Discipleship Series "Daily Faith Practices" off the ELCA website to study & discuss the lectionary text (Second Reading for the week). It is not an issue if you are unable to read the material ahead of time, just come and connect. We meet in the Gathering Place (Café Koinonia) at 1:00 pm on Tuesdays. We have coffee and use the Discipleship worksheets to help us reflect on and discuss the scripture reading. Typically we have 6-8 attend, there is always room for more. We look forward to seeing you. Contact Darrel Cox for more information.
Thursday Son Seekers at 6:30 am
Thursday mornings, Son Seekers meets 6:30-7:30 am in the Gathering Place (Café Koinonia). We are a casual group of men using a Discipleship Series "Daily Faith Practices" off the ELCA website to study & discuss the lectionary text (Second Reading for the week). It is not an issue if you are unable to read the material ahead of time, just come and connect. Coffee and tea are available. We typically have 8-12 in attendance. Our format is the same as the Tuesday group as we discuss the scripture reading. Please consider joining us. Contact Greg Ploeger at 515-314-3461 for more information.
NEW! Thursday Evening Men's Group at 6:30 pm
Our new Thursday Evening Men's Group meets 6:30-7:30 pm in Café Koinonia. You are invited to join this casual group of men who will study the Bible and grow in faith.
Saturday Group at 7:30 am via Zoom
For over 30 years, men have been gathering on Saturday mornings at 7:30 am to study the Bible. Currently, the group is meeting via Zoom. It is a casual group that meets for Bible study and fellowship. We are working our way through various books of the Bible, covering both Old and New Testaments. We typically have 8-10 attend, but are always looking for more. There is not a better way to start off the weekend than in a study of God's Word! Contact Al Purdy at 515-707-8946 for more information.
We are casual group of men using a Discipleship Series "Daily Faith Practices" off the ELCA website to study & discuss the lectionary text (Second Reading for the week). It is not an issue if you are unable to read the material ahead of time, just come and connect. We meet in the Gathering Place (Café Koinonia) at 1:00 pm on Tuesdays. We have coffee and use the Discipleship worksheets to help us reflect on and discuss the scripture reading. Typically we have 6-8 attend, there is always room for more. We look forward to seeing you. Contact Darrel Cox for more information.
Thursday Son Seekers at 6:30 am
Thursday mornings, Son Seekers meets 6:30-7:30 am in the Gathering Place (Café Koinonia). We are a casual group of men using a Discipleship Series "Daily Faith Practices" off the ELCA website to study & discuss the lectionary text (Second Reading for the week). It is not an issue if you are unable to read the material ahead of time, just come and connect. Coffee and tea are available. We typically have 8-12 in attendance. Our format is the same as the Tuesday group as we discuss the scripture reading. Please consider joining us. Contact Greg Ploeger at 515-314-3461 for more information.
NEW! Thursday Evening Men's Group at 6:30 pm
Our new Thursday Evening Men's Group meets 6:30-7:30 pm in Café Koinonia. You are invited to join this casual group of men who will study the Bible and grow in faith.
Saturday Group at 7:30 am via Zoom
For over 30 years, men have been gathering on Saturday mornings at 7:30 am to study the Bible. Currently, the group is meeting via Zoom. It is a casual group that meets for Bible study and fellowship. We are working our way through various books of the Bible, covering both Old and New Testaments. We typically have 8-10 attend, but are always looking for more. There is not a better way to start off the weekend than in a study of God's Word! Contact Al Purdy at 515-707-8946 for more information.

Lutheran Men in Mission
Lutheran Men in Mission is a church-wide men's organization of the ELCA that offers:
Lutheran Men in Mission is a church-wide men's organization of the ELCA that offers:
- One Year To Live (OYTL) – Weekend retreats, designed to be a life changing, lay led events.
- Bold Gatherings – One-Day events for men to worship, learn, network, and grow in their faith in Christ. These events have been online during the pandemic, but in-person events are returning.
- National Gatherings – Next national gathering is scheduled for October 7-9, 2022 in Ashland, NE. These are similar to national Bold Gatherings with various speakers.