Call process
Calling a pastor is driven by the Holy Spirit working through the congregation, the congregation’s Call Committee and Council, the synod (Church), and candidates open to receiving a call. It is a process informed by prayer and faithful discernment. This process has four essential parts:
Status (as of August 31, 2022)
After prayerful discernment, the Call Committee has recommended a candidate to the Congregation Council. The Council has approved this candidate. The next step is for the congregation to meet the candidate, after which the church will hold a congregational meeting to vote on extending a call.
During the discernment process, only the Call Committee will know the names of candidates being referred or interviewed. For the sake of maintaining the integrity of the process and for the protection of those who are candidates, this information will not be shared with the congregation. When a candidate has been recommended and approved by the Congregation Council, the congregation will be informed.
Nomination of Candidate
Members of the congregation can nominate pastors to be considered. This information will go to the bishop's staff and not to the committee. Those nominated must have mobility forms completed, and be open to a call. If they are in another synod, the bishop in that synod must agree to allow contact. For these and other reasons, nominating a pastor does not mean they will be referred, recommended, or considered. Click here for the Nomination Form.
- Leave-taking - Honoring and saying farewell to a leader.
- Preparation - Developing a Ministry Site Profile, in partnership with the Synod, that describes the open position and kind of leader needed.
- Discernment - Receiving names and interviewing candidates identified through recommendations from the Office of the Bishop of the Southeastern Iowa Synod, candidates who ask to be submitted to the congregation, or nominations from the congregation. Discernment includes an interview process determined by the Call Committee and the negotiation of a Letter of Call by the Congregation Council. It leads to the recommendation of a candidate to the Congregation Council and then to the congregation.
- Walking Together – Welcoming a new pastor to the congregation and the integration of the pastor into the life and ministry of the people.
Status (as of August 31, 2022)
After prayerful discernment, the Call Committee has recommended a candidate to the Congregation Council. The Council has approved this candidate. The next step is for the congregation to meet the candidate, after which the church will hold a congregational meeting to vote on extending a call.
During the discernment process, only the Call Committee will know the names of candidates being referred or interviewed. For the sake of maintaining the integrity of the process and for the protection of those who are candidates, this information will not be shared with the congregation. When a candidate has been recommended and approved by the Congregation Council, the congregation will be informed.
Nomination of Candidate
Members of the congregation can nominate pastors to be considered. This information will go to the bishop's staff and not to the committee. Those nominated must have mobility forms completed, and be open to a call. If they are in another synod, the bishop in that synod must agree to allow contact. For these and other reasons, nominating a pastor does not mean they will be referred, recommended, or considered. Click here for the Nomination Form.
- The Call Process: A document provided by the Southeastern Iowa Synod to help the Call Committee with its work.
- Position Description for Pastor for Care & Community
- Summary of Ministry Site Profile
- Update August 31, 2022
- Update August 9, 2022
- Update June 17, 2022
- Update June 1, 2022
- A Prayer for Our Congregation
- We Welcome Pastor Kisner